PPP. Carnival Of Monsters

Season Ten - 1972/1973

Script Editor: Terrance Dicks
Writer: Robert Holmes
Produced by: Barry Letts
Director: Barry Letts
Designer: Roger Liminton
Incidental Music: Dudley Simpson


Now that the Doctor has had his freedom returned to him, along with his knowledge of time travel, he takes Jo on a test flight, and the TARDIS materialises on the Bernice, a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean in 1926. But all is not what it seems.

The TARDIS has actually landed inside the Miniscope, a form of miniaturised landscape in which specimens exists in a loop, and are watched by other people. The Doctor and Jo manage to find a way into other areas of the Miniscope and run into the ferocious Drashigs.

Eventually the Doctor makes his way out of the scope and is returned to full size. The Doctor runs into the two owners of the Miniscope - Vorg and Shirna, who are trying to make money by putting on a show to the local Minorians. Their problems get worse when the Doctor escapes from inside.

Two locals - Kalik and Orum - plan to overthrow their leader Zarb by releasing the Drashigs. Vorg manages to destroy the Drashigs, and the Doctor manages to return all the specimens by linking the TARDIS. Now full size, Jo materialises beside the wrecked machine.

Regular Cast

  • Jo Grant: Katy Manning

Guest Cast

  • Major Daly: Tenniel Evans
  • Lieutenant John Andrews: Ian Marter
  • Claire Daly: Jenny McCracken
  • Vorg: Leslie Dwyer
  • Shirna: Cheryl Hall
  • Chairman Pletrac: Peter Haliday
  • Commissioner Kalik: Michael Wisher
  • Commissioner Orum: Terence Lodge
  • Captain: Andrew Staines (3)
  • Functionary: Stuart Fell (3)
  • Ogron: Rick Lester (2)
  • Cyberman: Terence Denville (2)
  • Double for the Doctor: Terry Walsh
  • Double for Jo: Linda Regan
  • Walk-Ons: Bon Banebia, Norman Commins, Aldwin Davies, George Howard, Jagdesh Kumar, Bill Lodge, Albert Moses, Murphy Grumbar, Jo Murphy, Rudolph Ramil, Mohammed Shamsi

Original broadcast on the BBC

Channel Title Date Viewers Rating
BBC 1 334. Episode One Saturday, January 27, 1973 5:50 PM - 6:15 PM 9.5M
BBC 1 335. Episode Two Saturday, February 3, 1973 5:50 PM - 6:15 PM 9.0M
BBC 1 336. Episode Three Saturday, February 10, 1973 5:50 PM - 6:15 PM 9.0M
BBC 1 337. Episode Four Saturday, February 17, 1973 5:50 PM - 6:15 PM 9.2M

Click here to show repeat broadcasts on the BBC


  • Television Centre Studio not known

Outside Locations

  • RIA Robvert Dundas Naval Dockyard, Chatham
  • Tillingham Marshes, Howe Farm


Part 1: As Jo sneaks across Major Daly's "office" (while Daly is asleep) to retrieve the 'Illustrated London News', you can hear a pencil being dropped and rolling across the floor!

Working Titles


Out of the Labyrinth


As with the other Barry Letts directed Pertwee stories, there is no producer credit.

Many Australian transmissions of Episode Two use a new arrangement of the theme tune that was originally intended for this season but then scrapped. The video release has this version of the theme tune.

The 1981 repeat of Episode Three was slightly cut.