Peter Capaldi
Twelfth Doctor
2014 - 2017


From 1965 in most years there has been an annual, or yearbook, produced featuring the Doctor of the time and containing behind the scenes facts, puzzles, and stories.

So what are you? Farmers,  fishermen ... web designers? Maybe not that last one.

Doctor Who The Official Annual 2015 featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Clara

Published: 2014 BBC Children's Books
No. of Pages: 61
ISBN: 978 1 405 91756 8
Comic Strip Stories
  • The Monsters of Coal Hill School
  • Freeze
  • Meet the New Doctor!
  • The Doctor's Diary
  • Doctor Who?
  • Regeneration
  • Where's the Doctor?
  • Clara's Guide to Time Travelling
  • The Daleks
  • Droids, Robots and Mechanical Men
  • TARDIS Trouble
  • Secret Cyber Code
  • The Paternoster Gang
  • Spot the Difference
  • The Silence
  • The Zygons
  • The Sontarans
  • Hidden Horrors
  • Underground Trap!
  • Dangerous Planets
  • Doctor Who Quiz
  • Inside the Dalek
  • Clara's Diary
  • Answers
  • When the Wolves Came

Doctor Who The Official Annual 2016 feauring the Twelfth Doctor and Clara

Published: 2015 Puffin Books (BBC Children's Books)
No. of Pages: 60
ISBN: 978-1-405-92001-8
Comic Strip Stories
  • Zorgo The Terrible
  • Super Gran
  • I'm the Doctor!
  • Davros, Dark Lord of Skaro
  • Secrets of the TARDIS
  • Black Archive: The Daleks
  • Time Heist!
  • Meet Missy!
  • Sea Base Search
  • Black Archive: The Foretold and the Boneless
  • Missy's Mash-ups
  • Friends vs Foes
  • Black Archive: The Cybermen
  • Design Your Own Dalek
  • Fantastic Friends
  • Silurian Spot The Differences
  • Black Archive: Dream Crabs and Weeping Angels
  • Who Said It?
  • Battlefield Skaro
  • Double Trouble
  • Time Traveller Test
  • Fright Factor!
  • Odd Angels Out
  • The Pest of Paternoster Row

Doctor Who The Official Annual 2017 featuring the Twelfth Doctor

Published: 2016 Puffin Books (BBC Children's Books)
No. of Pages: 61
ISBN: 978-1-405-92649-2
Comic Strip Stories
  • Elephant in the Room
  • The Promise
  • The Complete History of the Doctor
  • Cybermen vs Daleks
  • Break the Cloister Code
  • Cyber Colouring In
  • Gallifrey: Planet of the Time Lords
  • The Osgood Files: The Zygons
  • The Adventures of Ashildr
  • Journey Back to Earth
  • The Osgood Files: King Hydroflax
  • Calling All Agents!
  • The Timey-Wimey Travels of River Song
  • Secrets of the Dalek Laboratory
  • The Zooniverse
  • The Osgood Files: The Mire
  • Who Said What?
  • Yes, Missy
  • A Day In The Life...
  • The Osgood Files: The Fisher King
  • The Osgood Files: The Veil
  • The Next Adventure
  • RUN! The Doctor's Greatest Escapes
  • Time And Relative Dimension In Search
  • The Osgood Files: The Sandmen
  • Oi! Were You Paying Attention?
  • Friends from the Future